36th Riverland Teams Carnival 18-20th May 2024

2024 -  36th Riverland Teams Carnival - May 18-20

This annually held Tennis Seniors SA Teams Carnival - commonly known as the Riverland Teams Carnival (also Berri Carnival), is a Tennis Doubles only competition held on the Saturday, Sunday, and Monday after Mother’s Day each year with matches being played at Berri, Barmera, Loxton, and Renmark.   

The carnival is renowned for being great fun and we always look forward to welcoming back teams and seeing new teams entering and taking up the opportunity in visiting the Riverland. 

The carnival is open to all TENNIS SENIORS players over the age of 30 years as of 31st December in the year that the carnival is being held.

All entrants must be current financial members of the Tennis Seniors Association of South Australia or of an interstate Tennis Seniors Association. If not a $25 Registration Fee for the weekend will apply.

Our 2024 Riverland Teams Carnival was a great success click here to see some reflections and photos of a great weekend!


For previous carnivals held, here are some participants' reflections and photos .  Click onto the following links and download:

The following link 36th Berri Teams Carnival 18-20th May 2024 enables you view information for the 2024 carnival that provides some contact details regarding accommodation options, for you to consider for 2024.

In 2024 ENTRIES CLOSE Friday 16th April 2024

Click onto the following to download the Entry Form 

PLEASE NOTE the following when completing your entry form:

  • TENNIS SENIORS CLUB refers to interstate tennis seniors associations, or one of South Australia's tennis seniors associations that includes TSSA ‘City’, Riverland, South East, Northern Areas, or Murray Bridge & Districts.
  • Non-members must include a $25.00 registration fee.
  • Up to 6 players may play in each match.
  • Captains are equired to tick ☐ the Entry Form certifying that the players listed in their team are eligible by age for the group requested.



Team Fee $175.00

Must include Non-Member Registration Fees where applicable $25.00

Payment to be made by Electronic Funds Transfer

Tennis Seniors Riverland

BSB : 105 052

Account : 211 922 740

Reference : Captain's Surname


                        Mike HORSMAN | President | 0419 030 566 | TennisSeniorsRiverland@gmail.com

                        Sue FOX | Secretary | 0438 945 881 | TennisSeniorsRiverland@gmail.com