Annual TSSA 'City' vs Northern Areas Match

In 2023 the match is scheduled to be held at the CityTennis Club on Sunday 26th March.

Since 1989 there has been an annual one-day tournament between Tennis Seniors SA ‘City’ and ‘Northern Areas Tennis Seniors’, with the hosting and venue usually alternating between TSSA's South Park Tennis Seniors Centre and Jamestown Lawn Tennis Club located at South Terrace, Jamestown, South Australia 5491, 207 kms North of Adelaide.

Representative teams from City and Northern Areas play for the BRIAN PINK MEMORIAL SHIELD.

Northern Areas Tennis Seniors have won the shield 6 times, whilst TSSA 'City' has won it on 12 occasions.

In 2023 TSSA 'City' will host the Northern Areas Tennis Seniors on 26 March for the annual TSSA 'City' vs Northern Areas Match.

The match is played annually usually late March/early April, with final date chosen taking into consideration Easter Holiday dates and each association’s regular competition schedules.

Normally, on ‘Odd Years’ the match is scheduled to be played in the 'City' at South Park Tennis Seniors Centre and on ‘Even Years’ the match is played in Jamestown on the Jamestown Lawn Tennis Courts.


Teams comprise 12 men and 12 women selected by TSSA 'City' and Northern Areas Tennis Seniors 

The first 4 selected in each team are Division 1 playing standard, with the remainder selected being Division 2 playing standard

Teams selected meet at the tennis venue at 9.30am with play commencing at 10.00am

1. Men's and Women’s reverse doubles played - 2 x 6-game sets. 6-all tiebreaker

2. Mixed doubles: 1 x 9-game set. 8-all tiebreaker

LUNCH is provided by the host region at cost

3. Men's and Ladies' doubles: 2 x 6-game sets. 6-all tiebreaker

At the conclusion of play presentation of Brian Pink Memorial Shield and socialising occurs


John SCHLUTER had lead responsibility to coordinate the selection process for the TSSA 'City' teams in collaboration with Karen AHRENS, Captain of TSSA City Women's Team, and Twink SPARKS, President, Northern Areas Tennis Seniors who had responsibility to coordinate the selection process for the Northern Areas Teams in 2023 (12 males & 12 females in each team).

Results click here