Welcome to Tennis Seniors South Australia


Tennis Seniors South Australia (TSSA) is the state administrator for Tennis Seniors 30+ in collaboration with four Regional/Country Tennis Seniors associations.

Our shared primary aim is to promote Tennis 30+ participation in South Australia through providing a range of activities.

Activities conducted at TSSA's South Park Centre include: weekly  Social Play/Open Court  Sessions; running TSSA Weekly Competitions (Men’s Doubles, Women’s Doubles & Mixed Doubles); and offering opportunities to play in Tournaments /Carnivals & Events conducted by TSSA, or supported by TSSA.


Current financial members receive annual renewal notices.

NEW, and current members who have changed personal details or are returning to the club after a break of membership, need to complete a TSSA Membership Application or TSSA Membership Renewal form and forward to our TSSA Membership Officer (details on the forms). 

Match Results & Ladders

You can view match results via your Personal Dashboard that will be set up for you upon Registering in Tennis Australia's  MATCH CENTRE

Once you are registered you will only need to Log In each time via the Match Centre webpage.

TSSA Secretary on behalf of  TSSA Committee

Latest news

It is with great sadness that we notify you of the passing of Eddie Drummond on the 16th May 2024.

The Tri-State Series is back! Being held in Barham as part of their 'Festival of Tennis'.

The 2025 Australian Championships are going to be held in Adelaide!

More News

How to find us

Tennis Seniors South Australia
opposite 118 Greenhill Rd.
(in the parklands co-located with the Adelaide Hockey Club)
South Australia

Get directions

Our Partner

Battery World