Important Info

Important Info

We have moved from MALPASS. We no longer operate out of Malpass, Hazel Millman Tennis courts.

WEDNESDAY'S SOCIAL NIGHT HAS BEEN SUSPENDED. We are finalising details for a new venue with a joint venture partner on Wednesdays.


Our new residence is Queensland Tennis Centre, Tennyson. (QTC) Thank you to Mr Adrian O'Sullivan, and his team for facilitating the transition. 


QSo we have no more tennis at Malpass?

Ans: Correct. Our Court Hire Agreement with Malpass has ended.


Q: Do we pay more for the enhanced facilities?

Ans: After 18 years with no fee increase, the Member attendance fee has increased from $10 to $13, effective April 9, 2023.

The Non-Member fee has increased from $15 to $18, effective April 9, 2023.

Special Events on Public Holidays increase the fees to $15 and $18, respectively. 


Q: Are other programs being delivered to support members?

Ans: Several months ago, the Executive Committee started negotiations with multiple clubs and organisations to identify a new base for TBT. Malpass is undergoing substantial remediation works, and we were not given alternative courts during the construction works. That created an impetus for TBT to work out a new strategy to support members and improve the playing facilities. So, you have a new venue, discounts at the ProShop, clean and safe amenities (toilets, showers, pure filtered water) and a cafe on site.

In addition, we have developed a new squad program to support the development of players in preparation for the Brisbane Open 2023 GLTA Masters Series Tennis Tournament.


Saturday morning, from 10.30 am to 11.30 am, the coaching program runs for A & B level players. Spots are limited to 8 players. The cost is $25-$30 per hour—duration is 10 weeks.

Saturday morning, from 11.30 am to 12.30 pm, the coaching program runs for C & D level players. Spots are limited to 8 players. The cost is $25-$30 per hour—duration is 10 weeks.

How will Social Tennis Operate on Saturdays? What will it cost?

Social tennis will run from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm. If you are not involved in a coaching program, you will pay the standard attendance fee, $13 for Members and $18 for non-members. Two courts are booked for social tennis. 

NOTE: If you are part of the coaching program, members' attendance fee is capped at $10.


Q: So we no longer have Wednesday Social Tennis?

Ans: Correct. We are working out an agreement with Griffith University for Wednesday nights at their Nathan Campus—more details in the next week or so. For now, it is suspended.


Q: So, can you clarify when we have Social Tennis now?

Ans: Of course!


Thanks for your continued support and understanding. We're in this together!


TBT Secretary