Club's By-laws and Internal Rules


The East Burwood Tennis Club (EBTC) shall comply with Conditions and Regulations in the 10-year lease arrangement with the Whitehorse City Council, dated 1st July 2020, as follows:

1. The premises shall be used as facilities for the tennis game and shall not be used as residence or sleeping area or for any illegal purposes or activities such as drug use, gambling, etc

2. Members shall not prepare or cook food on the premises.

3. Drinking of alcohol on the premises must be agreed upon by the committee and such consumption must be moderate and reasonable.

4. Conditions that are stipulated in our Liquor Licence must be strictly observed as displayed on the notice board near the back door.

5. No use of any musical instruments, radio, televisions, or other equipment that can be heard or seen from outside the clubhouse.



 1. Permitted hours of operation are between 6 am and 11 pm, seven days a week.

 2.  All party gatherings with alcohol consumption must be authorized by the Club Committee beforehand.

- Ad-hoc alcohol consumption is still allowed with drinks purchased from EBTC via Committee members.

- No BYO liquor is allowed.

3.  Booking of courts is prioritized on formal competition, coaching lessons, and team practice. Social play is based on court availability at a time.

4. Common courtesy is expected for members to relinquish their plays to waiting members to take turns.

5. Each member can bring a maximum of two guests each time, three times a year. The fee is $5 each time per visitor.

6. Food and drinks are generally not allowed on the court except bottled water or simple snacks. Members must responsibly remove the waste after use.

7. Members must clear all debris such as leaves, tree branches, and twigs before starting play. Courts must be bagged as per instructions written on notice boards at entry gates

8. The last person or persons who leave the club must make sure to turn off the power and lights and lock up the clubhouse and all gates. Members who use court lights for night tennis must adhere to instructions in front of the switchboard

9. Appropriate sports attire and suitable tennis footwear are required on the court at all times.

10. Members must promptly pay the annual fee within 30 days from 1 July each year.

11. Being part of a community-based tennis club, members are asked to voluntarily contribute to monthly working bees in an effort to keep our courts, the clubhouse, and the grounds in top condition.


February 2021