Night Competition
Wonga Park Tennis Club participates a night tennis competition run by the Lilydale and District Night Tennis Association. It's a great way to socialise and unwind during the week and is open to both men and women players of all standards. You do not need to be a member but need to be registered.
Competition is Monday night Ladies, Tuesday night Mens, Wednesday night Mixed and Thursday nights are comprised of an Open Sets doubles competition (teams comprise of any combination of men and/or women) and a Singles/Doubles competition. We have a wide range of standards, so if you'd like to play, there's a night and a team for you! Play starts at 7:15pm and costs just $10 per person per week for ball money. At the end of the game, the home team provides a small snack for everyone to sit down and enjoy.
To play night competition you will need to be registered with the association and be part of a team. To register or find a team contact Matthew Wilson on 0408 630 532.
For ladders, fixtures, scorecards, captain's list etc, click here Night tennis
If you can't commit to playing every week, our teams could always use a good emergency player! Let us know if you'd like to be contacted as a fill-in.
Players are not required to be members of the club for Night Competition so you are welcome to organise a group of friends to form a new registered night comp team!
Contact Matthew Wilson for more information on 0408 630 532.
Here is the Team Registration Form
Night Tennis Team Registration Form