Junior Competition
We are very fortunate to have Tim Sheppard from Kanga Coaching as the administrator of our junior competition. Queries can be sent to willisonparkjuniors@gmail.com
We have a very strong representation in Eastern Region Tennis (ERT) on Saturday and Sunday mornings. We also have players in the Association Junior League (AJL) on Sunday mornings.
We expect juniors signing up to be reliable and available for the whole season. Support is also required from parents. It is also expected that all participants and parents will adhere to our Safeguarding Children and Fairplay Code of Conducts. A guide to the expected behaviour of parents can be found on our Club Policy page at https://play.tennis.com.au/willisonparktennisclub/ClubPolicy/ParentGuide
No matches are played during school holidays or public holiday weekends.
The competition consists of a home and away season competing against other clubs in the eastern suburbs. Matches start at 8.30am on Saturday mornings and 9.00am on Sunday mornings.
You can contact our Junior Convenor, Tim Sheppard at willisonparkjuniors@gmail.com if you have any questions.