Contact Information

All correspondence should be sent to - 

Email:;  (preferred) or

Postal Address:    PO Box 409 Camberwell 3124

or you can drop correspondence into the letterbox next to the front gate.


Executive Committee

President                                        Rowena Donaghy                 0417 360 600

Vice President                              Katie Tatlis                        0484 349 331

Secretary                                        Tiger Li                        0437 823 809                     

Treasurer                                        David Goode                0410495399

Mship Secretary                           Jan Slater                                 0434 142 391

Junior Convenor                           Ruth Rossell                            0404 426 412

Mid-week Ladies                            Jan Slater                                 0434 142 391

Senior Comp Convenor              Katie Tatlis                             0484 349 331

General Committee                      Jonathan Beh; Basil Papageorge

Member Protection Officer    Rowena Donaghy                0417 360 600

All committee members are available to answer members' queries either via an email to or by phoning them directly.  The committee members are happy to raise any suggestions or queries at our committee meetings.

We welcome feedback and suggestions as to improvements you might like to see at the club.  

Send us a message

How to find us

Willison Park Tennis Club
Culliton Road

Get directions