Tuesday WOMENS

Midweek Summer Season 2024  starts on January 30th

We are now on facebook at www.facebook.com.au/tennisgeelong check out our page for up to date information.

The midweek competition is held on Tuesday Mornings commencing at 10am.

This competition provides the following:

4-6 women teams, playing 6 six game tie break sets, comprising six women’s doubles.

The Midweek Summer competition runs from February to June and the Winter competition runs from July to November with no play during school holidays.

If you are interested, but can't commit to a whole season, consider joining the emergency pool. See the fixture for contact details.


Summer Season 2024

Start of Season Letter


Contact List

Emergency Pool

Relevant By-Laws:

Adverse Weather

Points & Byes

Options to play 6 players per match

Scoresheets are available here or can be downloaded from Match Centre for each individual match