Benefits & Resons to Participate in Competition Tennis
- Engage in regular sport - Get Active
- Continue to improve your tennis - Singles/Doubles, Serving, Ground Strokes, Volleys, Regular Game Play, Pressure
- Great Social & Team Environment - For all ages, genders & level
- Variety of Leagues to suit your schedule - Weeknight Day/Night & Weekend Saturday/Sunday
Please go through the current scheudled activities courts usage and availablility.
Current Season: Spring 2022
Waverley District Tennis Association - Midweek Mens (9:30 AM - 12:30 PM)
- Wednesday Doubles, Gold
- Wednesday Doubles, Red
Waverley District Tennis Association - Night Tennis (7:30 PM - 10:00 PM)
- Monday Open Doubles: Frogmouths (B Special), Ultraman (A Reserve)
- Tuesday Open Singles/Doubles: Lapwings (A Reserve)
- Tuesday Open Doubles: Nihgtjars (B)
Metro Masters Tennis Association (1.00 PM - 4.00 PM)
- Thursday Open Doubles, Weekend Hacks
The club welcomes all new participants at any level whom are interested in playing competition or entering a team. Competition formats include singles/doubles and doubles occuring mid-week, night and weekends. Team formats include mens, ladies or mixed/open. Cost to participate ranges depending on the league (Approx range of $5-$10 per competition day).
For more information
- Waverley District Tennis Association
- Blackburn District and Night Tennis Association
- Metro Masters Tennis Association