Book A Court / Booking / Book by date

Book your court



Casual hirers: as some people are using the courts without booking or paying, please note that we will start to regularly change the gate code. Please check your confirmation email/SMS for the most recent code.

Booking a court
Our courts are available for hire between 7.00am and 9.30pm every day of the year.
Please use the online booking system for all bookings:
If you have any difficulties, our volunteers currently monitor the club's phone between 9:00am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday: 0468 472 330

Booking Fee
Daytime:  $12.50 per hour. 
Under lights: $17.50 per hour.
Half hour slots are available.

Permanent/Recurring Bookings
For players who wish to play at the same time each week, regular booking arrangements are available for a slightly reduced fee.

If this arrangement is attractive, please use the online booking system to book your preferred time slot for four consecutive weeks then contact the club to make your booking permanent.

All bookings are subject to our terms and conditions as listed on the Terms of Hire page.