Court Care

Player maintenance of our clay (en tout cas) tennis courts – courts 3, 4 & 5


  • Unless very recent rain has dampened these courts, they must be watered to both protect the courts from damage but also to make them play much better.
  • Give them a good water from fence to fence. Not just a sprinkle to stop the dust. A good water to make the court quite damp through and through but not enough to produce puddling. The ball bounce will be greatly improved and players will get increased traction. I suggest 5 minutes watering each end when totally dry.
  • When watering courts – always spray upwards and allow the droplets to fall like rain. Watering downwards may damage the courts.
  • Courts to be regularly broomed flat and always after the completion of each set or practice session. Broom beyond the sidelines and approx. 3 metres beyond the baselines.
  • When sweeping the court lines, please use minimum downwards pressure.
  • The best footwear for clay (en tout cas) courts is those tennis shoes with herringbone patterned soles, general available from tennis supply shops. They both protect the courts as well as enabling much better grip, thus improving player stability and enjoyment. Never use shoes designed for other sports – e.g. trainers, running or cross patterned – as these can badly damage clay courts.