Memberships at East Preston Park Tennis Club

Join as a member of East Preston Park TC below

Our aim as a tennis club is to make tennis an affordable sport, and for both tennis players and the tennis club to achieve this.    Our membership rates are amongst the cheapest, and the only additional costs if playing competition is the cost for lights and tennis balls if both are used.    It may eventuate that a charge may be levied on pennant players as the TV team entry fee is $225.00


Adult Competition

12 months membership

Membership is available for competition players over 19 years of age who compete in the NENTG or Eastern Region competitions

Eligibility: Membership is available for competition players over 19 years of age who compete in the NENTG or Eastern Region competitions commencing 1st July, 2021

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Adult Social

12 months membership

This membership covers adults who want to hit socially when courts are available.

Eligibility: This covers players over 19 who want to hit socially when courts are available.

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Family - Social/Competition

12 months membership

This membership is suitable for family groups with 2 adults and up to 3 children or more) playing social or competition tennis.

Eligibility: This membership is suitable for family groups with an adult as the main contact playing social or competition tennis as from the 1st July, 2021.

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Junior Social/Competition

12 months membership

This membership covers junior players under 19 years of age who play in the NENTG and Eastern Region Competitions and social players.

Eligibility: This membership covers junior players under 19 years of age who play in the NENTG and Eastern Region Competitions and social players as from the 1st July, 2021. Must have an adult as the main contact.

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