Social Tennis

Social Tennis

Altona Tennis Club offers a variety of social tennis options.

Come along, have a hit, meet other members and enjoy tennis.  We warmly welcome newcomers of all ages, genders and abilities. 

Our weekly social tennis groups are:

  • Sunday morning and Thursday night (during daylight saving months)– mixed
  • Wednesday and Thursday morning - ladies
  • Wednesday and Friday morning – men/mixed

Members pay a ‘gold coin’ to play which covers the cost of the tennis balls provided and helps subsidise the social group’s end of year festivities.  Non-members are offered an introductory social tennis session to get to know our social players before joining the Club. 

How to become a member and the numerous membership categories offered by the Club can be found on our membership page or via this link:

If you are interested in joining any of these social groups, email   for further information and participation details.

We look forward to seeing you on the courts soon.