Our commitment to safety

Altona Tennis Club and our coaching partner Vida Tennis is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for everyone to play tennis. 

We are affiliated with our state governing body Tennis Victoria and Tennis Australia and uphold their commitment to safeguarding children to ensure best pactice. Read Tennis Australia's statement or our commitment here

Member Protection Policy: https://www.tennis.com.au/doc/tennis-australia-member-protection-policy

The Club also appoints a Member Protection Information Officer (MPIO) who is the first port of call for any enquiries, concerns or complaints about harassment or abuse.  The MPIO will provide information and support to persons with concerns/complaints and advice on club policies and procedures to solve issues within the Altona Tennis Club.

Safeguarding Children Code of Conduct: https://www.tennis.com.au/doc/ta-safeguarding-children-code-of-conduct-2020


Accidents and Incidents

If an accident or incident takes place at the Altona Tennis Club either on court, in the Clubhouse or surrounds an incident report must be completed and forwarded to the Committee.   In the circumstances where an ambulance is called, even if transportation is not required, the President, Mr Brett Grant should be contacted immediately  (Mobile: 0417 367 381).

As link to the accident and incident report form is attached and hard copies of the form can be found in the display cabinet on the internal Clubhouse wall. 
