
WPTC is committed to strong governance and is aligned with the direction/ policies of our governing bodies - Tennis Australia and Tennis Victoria.  

We support Tennis Australia’s aspiration that the whole sport of tennis in Australia, at all levels and at all environments, is recognised for a reputation of unwavering commitment to integrity.

Every aspect of tennis should be safe, welcoming and inclusive for all. Tennis should also achieve fair and honest sporting performances and outcomes so that the public has confidence in the results.  See full details of policies here

Member Protection Policy 

WPTC takes seriously its responsibility and commitment to provide a safe environment for those participating in the activities.

You can find a copy here: Member protection policy

Safeguarding Children Code of Conduct

WPTC endores Tennis Australia Commitment Statement:

We have a zero tolerance approach to any form of child abuse and are committed to ensuring the sport of tennis is a safe and friendly environment for children and young people. It is imperative that children and young people who access our activities, programs, events or services feel safe and supported. We will ensure that child safety is embedded in our organisation’s culture, reflected in our policies and procedures, and understood and practiced
at all levels of our sport.  We commit to making sure that everyone involved with delivering tennis in Australia, from club administrators, volunteers, parents and participants, understand the important responsibilities they have
in relation to child safety. Our commitment extends beyond creating an environment that minimises risk or danger. We are committed to building an environment that is both child-safe and child-friendly. Together we can provide an environment in which children feel respected, valued and encouraged to reach their full potential.

You can find the Code of Conduct here: Safeguarding-children-code-of-conduct-2020

Code of Behaviour - that applies to all players, coaches, parents/guardians and spectators

You can find the Code of Behaviour here:  Code of behaviour for players and spectators 

The National Policies outline the rules and standards of behaviour expected of the tennis community in order to support this vision. Check here for more details https://www.tennis.com.au/about-tennis-australia/reports-and-policies/policies

In the event an official complaint is made regarding the breach of any Club policy - it will be minuted and provided  immediately to the President/Secretary, parties/witnesses will be consulted, a confidential incident report will be written and the WPTC Committee will consider the matter/determine any actions as a result.

There is no place in sport for bad behaviour, violence, cheating or intimidation.  The Fair Play Code sets out the standards of behaviour expected of everyone involved in sport and active recreation.

At the heart of the Fair Play Code are the five principles:

  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Safety
  • Fairness.

These principles apply to everyone involved in sport in Victoria and WPTC, no matter what role they play.

For details, click here Fair Play Code - Sport and Recreation Victoria

For the Official rules of tennis from the ITF and an easy-to-follow guide on how to score, click here Rules and Scoring - Tennis Australia

Code Red Days - WPTC is located in a high risk bushfire area.  All courts and clubhouse will be closed on days declared as code red.  No play is permitted whatsoever.  It is the responsibility of all members and guests to be aware of bushfire risk and stay informed.  Refer to the Emergency & Bushfire Management Plan located in the clubhouse for more details.  To check today's fire rating Click here