Tuesday Summer Pennant

2024-2025 Season
How The Competition Works
Season dates
- Commences 15 October 24
- Finishes 18 March 25
- Matches are expected to commence by 5:30 pm
Each player will play 3 sets (1st to 8, TB at 7 all).
All matches played will be doubles.
Each match will be played on 2 courts.
Matches will be played with “sudden death” deuces.
Players do not have to be members of the Centre to participate.
Membership Fee:
$180 (Adult)
$100 (Student 23 & Under)
(Covers all competitions for period 1/10/24 – 30/9/25)
Competition (Ball) Fee:
Member $10
Non member $15
Bar & BBQ will be available each evening. Discount drink prices for members.
In the event of wet weather, team captains will be notified indicating tennis has been cancelled.
Draws, team lists, updated weekly ladders will be made
available on Centre website www.wodongatenniscentre.com.au for information
throughout season.
For privacy reasons, we are unable to list players contact details on
website. This will be made available via team sheets given to team captains.
Finals will be on the last two rounds, Only players playing a minimum of 3 matches in same team will qualify for finals.
Whilst entry of “your” own team will always be encouraged, a more “even”
competition (on paper) will always be achieved if players are happy to enter as
individuals & allow committee to put together teams.
- We do not wish to discourage entry of “own” teams but there is no sense in having an imbalanced comp either.
- If entering own teams in future, please keep this matter in mind.
Look forward to seeig you out on the court......
Contact Justin Mocellin on 0400 950 750 for more details