Tennis Victoria Cup Events

Currently the WRTA offers participation in various Tennis Victoria-run Cup Events.

These events are highly dependant on player interest and volunteer assistance.

The Cup events offers our best players an opportunity to represent our region, in aged-based teams for one intensive weekend of play.

The players will play against other teams from other tennis regions at a centralised venue, as determined by Tennis Victoria.

Correspondence regarding Cup event details and player entries - is sent out to clubs.

The WRTA Junior Committee select teams of 4 players based on the current performances in the regular WRTA Junior Competition. 

  • Wayne Arthurs Cup. For 10&under teams (a mixture of boys and girls). Plays in April.
  • Frank Sedgeman Cup. For 11&under teams of 2 boys and 2 girls. Plays in July.
  • Alicia Molik Cup. For 12&under teams of 2 boys and 2 girls. Plays in December.
  • Pat Cash Cup. For 12&under, 14&under, 18&under teams of 2 boys and 2 girls. Plays in February. 

Contact WRTA - Marlene Russell or your club, for more information about these Cup events.