Membership Categories
Full Member – aged 23 years and over, full voting rights, eligible to play in all Club competitions and has unrestricted use of courts, except when allocated to other grades of members or reserved for specific events (as authorised by the Executive Committee) or as allocated to the coach.
Weekday Member – Aged 23 and over. May participate in weekday social or organised events anytime during weekdays except when courts are allocated to other grades of members, reserved for specific events or as allocated to the coach.
Young Adult Member – Aged 18 – 22 years. Same playing rights as full member category. This is a discounted membership fee, introduced to encourage juniors to retain membership of the club.
Junior Member – for the purpose of fees, Junior Members are defined as persons who are under 18 years of age, at 30th June of that calendar year. May play in all social and organised junior activities on Saturday and Sunday mornings and have priority on weekdays between 3.30pm and 5.30pm.
Under 8 Years Membership – Children aged under 8 years are eligible for this category which offers fee free membership – only children of existing or applying members are entitled to this membership.
Family Membership – The fee levied is the equivalent of 2 full memberships and 1 Junior Membership. This category is limited to 2 adults however there is no limit on the number of children who qualify for Junior or Young Adult Membership.
Holding Member – reserved for members transferred away from reasonable access to the Club for extended periods.
Visitors: – Visitors (guests of members) may be invited to play tennis. The appropriate visitors fee must be paid before commencement of play.
Note: Members in appropriate categories may partake in social play subject to court availability.