Policies, Codes, Rules and Newsletters
Policies and Codes
As an affiliated club of Tennis Australia and Tennis Victoria, THTC are governed by Tennis Victoria Constitution, Policies, By-Laws and regulations.
Member Protection Policy
THTC takes seriously its responsibility and commitment to provide a safe environment for those participating in club activities.
We follow the Tennis Australia Member Protection Policy.
Safeguarding Children Code of Conduct
THTC endores Tennis Australia Commitment Statement:
"We have a zero tolerance approach to any form of child abuse and are committed to ensuring the sport of tennis is a safe and friendly environment for children and young people. It is imperative that children and young people who access our activities, programs, events or services feel safe and supported.
We will ensure that child safety is embedded in our organisation’s culture, reflected in our policies and procedures, and understood and practiced at all levels of our sport.
We commit to making sure that everyone involved with delivering tennis in Australia, from club administrators, volunteers, parents and participants, understand the important responsibilities they have in relation to child safety.
Our commitment extends beyond creating an environment that minimises risk or danger. We are committed to building an environment that is both child-safe and child-friendly.
Together we can provide an environment in which children feel respected, valued and encouraged to reach their full potential."
THTC adhere to the Tennis Australia Code of Conduct.
Code of Behaviour
The Code of Behaviour applies to all players, coaches, parents/guardians and spectators.
Tennis Australia’s aspiration is that the whole sport of tennis in Australia, at all levels and at all environments, is recognised for a reputation of unwavering commitment to integrity. Every aspect of tennis should be safe, welcoming and inclusive for all stakeholders. Tennis should also achieve fair and honest sporting performances and outcomes so that the public has confidence in the results.
The National Policies outline the rules and standards of behaviour expected of the tennis community in order to support this vision.
Where a complaint is made that contravenes any club policy, it will be escalated to the President or Vice President. The THTC Committee will consider the matter and determine the necessary course of action.
Fair Play
There is no place in sport for bad behaviour, violence, cheating or intimidation. The Fair Play Code sets out the standards of behaviour expected of everyone involved in sport and active recreation.
At the heart of the Fair Play Code are the five principles:
- Integrity
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Safety
- Fairness.
These principles apply to everyone involved in sport in Victoria, no matter what role they play.
Reminders to Members
Members are reminded that they are expected to respect the club facilities and ensure the clubhouse is left in a clean state following use, including:
- Ensure the clubhouse door is locked
- Dispose of any food items and wipe table/s
- Pick up food scraps from the floor
- Bring in water jugs and cups from the court/s
- All dishes should be washed, dried and put away
- All chairs to go back under the table/s
- If the inside bin is full, empty the bin into the outside rubbish wheelie bin
- Members accessing the bar must ensure all drinks are paid for and the bar door is locked when leaving.
Visitors Fees
Vistor Fees are payable for visiting social players (guests of Members) who want to play tennis at Tally Ho.
Fees are $5 for adults and $2 for children/students (except children Under 8, for whom there is no charge but they must be accompanied by a member adult).
Please ensure that you adhere to the following rules:
- Visitor’s fees must be paid prior to commencing the playing of tennis.
- Only one visitor is generally allowed per member.
- Family of Tally Ho members who are not members themselves must pay a visitors fee.
- Visitor Fee payment envelopes have been provided by the club and are located inside the clubhouse near the bar. Please complete and place envelope in the payment slot near the bar.
- Random membership and visitors’ fee spot checks are conducted from time to time by committee, so please ensure you have paid the appropriate visitors fee for your guest.
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