

Newsletter – Summer 2021, Vol 228

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The warmth of Summer is here and the Christmas holidays are a few weeks away.

Newspaper supplements are encouraging tourism financed by the money saved during Covid lockdowns. One offer, I see appealing is a superyacht cruise in the Aegean Sea visiting Turkey and the Greek Islands. Sure looks good, but at this time of our year I look forward to a swim in Port Phillip Bay, where I can relax and float to refresh the body.


We extend a warm welcome to Kelvin and Simon. I hear they are using the courts frequently.


We know WDTA is active to provide many forms of tennis to satisfy the member clubs However, the Covid lockdowns have caused administration problems of deferrals and cancellations. Let us hope year 2022 returns to an even keel.

Night Monday. Open Doubles B Special 1. Frogmouths

The team list is: James, Jack, Ventham, Graham, Supriyo, Veera and Godfrey. All the players are graded B. There are 4 teams and Frogmouths are clear on top. The competition finishes 06 December.

Night Tuesday. Open Singles/Doubles B 1. Lapwings

The team list is: Peter, Anthony, Graham and Jay. As mentioned in previous newsletters the players have stayed together and created a successful history. There are 6 teams and Lapwings are clear on top. Competition finishes 07 December.

Day Wednesday. Mens Section 1. Red

The normal competition is cancelled and replaced with a Mini competition to the end of year 2021. Each week, we field a team of a few regular players and emergencies. The team list is: Steffi, Robert, Phillip Bradwell, Hari, Rick, Daphne and George

Day Wednesday. Section 3.  Gold

The Gold team did not enter a team in the mini competition. Captain Sri opted for pre-season practice. The team list is: Jon, Jack, Patrick, Alan, Chandran, Leo, Veera, Andrew and Jeff.

Metro Masters Thursday. Section 1

The MM Association cancelled competition to the end of year 2021. MM will resume competition in year 2022.

Social Tennis Thursday Ladies:

The lockdowns have interrupted their return to the courts. The ladies, some 12, enjoyed the annual reunion at the Mulgrave Country Club. As usual, they enjoyed their day and relived some of memorable history on and off the courts.

Social Tennis Saturday/Sunday Mornings:

From 8.30am to 11.30 the tennis is non-stop and using new tennis balls. Contacts are Jack, Sandy, Sri plus another 3. As there are up-to 16 regular players arriving at different times a booking/playing system is implemented. Contact an above-named convenor by Thursday evening or if necessary, Friday so that the white-board is prepared.


  1. Alexei Demajo, an accredited coach with international experience, and assistant coaches provide coaching services to the primary school, to the parents and to our membership. They also restring racquets
  2. On Friday under court lights commencing 07.30pm assistant coach, Tao, has introduced a session for adults. Now that lockdown is closed the sessions have recommenced. For information contact Alexei on 0418 369 763
  3. Alexei has a full range of tennis information and supplies. For additional information please contact Alexei on 0418 369 763 or

Annual General Meeting:

  • The AGM scheduled for 18 July 2021 was postponed to a date TBA. However, as the lockdown continued our club like others was permitted comply with introduced rules to email Reports and Financial Statements to the membership. Later on, the Committee for year ending 30 June, 2022 was appointed. The Committee comprises:
  • President,       Jack Krohn, (2nd term)            Assistant President,            Jeff Webb,
  • Secretary,      Supriyo Sinha                         Treasurer,                  Alan McHenry
  • General Committee, Veera Sriamareswaran, Sandy Chandrananth,
  • Hari Haritharan. Jay Sempio and Graham Pang


  • Greens growing into the court fences were cut and taken to Waverley Transfer Depot
  • Courts and lines are being resurfaced. 3 done to date
  • Weeds on all fence lines sprayed with weed-killer
  • Pump to transfer water to big tank is seized. Replacement on order
  • North East light on court 1 is non-operating. Assessing repair
  • Wash-outs north end of court 2 are being considered for best option to repair.

Life Membership Award to Jack G Krohn:

Let us start with the lead-in to this well-deserved award.

  • A few members made the suggestion and the previous committee agreed. The Award was to be given at the AGM 18 July, 2021. Deferred to an appropriate date
  • Sunday morning, 05 December, 2021 was set for the end of year BBQ lunch and Award
  • The coaches, Alexei and Tao, arrived mid-morning. They moved from court to court imparting points and suggesting strategies. Their information was logical and at end of play our serves, foot-work and ground strokes had improved. This was excellent value and all players gratefully acknowledged the coaches
  • MasterChef, Supriyo with a few assistants, was in charge of the BBQ and presenting the food contributed by the members seated at the tables. Note: overseeing this spectacular event was Barbara McHenry
  • Prior to the meal, everyone assembled in the clubhouse and Supriyo was in two places at the same time
  • The Life Membership Award was preceded by a review of Jack’s 20 year plus history at the club. Jack’s initials JGK were compared to American President, John F Kennedy. This was a lead-in to JFK’s famous speech in which he said “Ask not what your club can do for you, but what you can do for your club.”
  • At this point, reference was made to Cathy, “Behind every successful man there is a good woman.” Barbara presented Cathy with a bunch of prized hydrangeas
  • From there, Jack’s involvement with the club was described as a player (I enjoyed departing from the written pages at times with (ab-libs), as a committee member, introduction of night teams (15 premierships), and taking the lead-role on two major issues: 1. against Tennis Victoria regarding non-incorporation and 2. protecting the club during the Parish’s redevelopment plan. Both issues had two years of negotiations.
  • Photos are attached



Overall, Sunday 05 December, was as good as it gets in being filled with so many pleasing factors – tennis play, coaches, BBQ lunch and Jack’s Life Membership Award.

On behalf of the Committee to the membership, best wishes for Christmas and Year 2022.

Alan  😊