

Newsletter – Summer 2022, Vol 229


Here we are late Summer and year 2022 is underway with some normality and some madness. The Olympic Winter Games have shown the outstanding talents of the competitors. Can their moments of exhilaration compare with tennis players in social and match play? Yes. For example: (1) giant slalom has downhill speed whereas tennis players create speed on a short course and change directions in moving around the court’ (2) aerials require platforms whereas we leap off the court in serving and putting away a smash and at times with arabesque. There are other examples which you can think of. The sport which compares closely to tennis is ice hockey. Remove the hoppo bumpo, both players hold a stick/racquet and hit the puck/ball to a target. Supriyo, maybe you should contact Channel 7 to visit St. Christopher’s TC.


We extend a warm welcome to families:

Pankaj, Sushila, Advika and Akshaj

Vishal, Virginia, Shaina and Nirvi. Interesting Vishal is in the aerodynamics industry. Being at StCTC his knowledge of the industry will increase as he sees the launch and projection of the ball.

Denis Fitzsimon. The family presented a wonderful funeral service at Holy Family church, Mt. Waverley, where Denis as an interior decorator designed the altar and furniture. Refreshments were held at the Riversdale Golf Club where Denis was a member.



Year 2022 seems to be on an even keel with the competitions we have entered.

Night Monday. Open Doubles B Special 1. Frogmouths

The team list is: James, Jack, Ventham, Graham, Vincent, Supriyo, Veera and the new captain Godfrey. All the players are graded B and B Special. There are 4 teams in the section and 2 matches played. Frogmouths had a successful last season and should improve on current 3rd position.

Night Tuesday. Open Singles/Doubles B 1. Lapwings

The team list is: Peter  Anthony, Graham and captain Jay. As mentioned in previous newsletters the players have stayed together and created a successful history. There are 7 teams and Lapwings are in 5th position and sure to climb higher

Night Tuesday, Open Doubles B 1, Nightjars

The Nightjars have returned after a season or two lay-off. The team list is: captain James, Jack , Ventham, Adarsh, Vincent, Thanga  and Rohan . There are 7 teams in the section. Some work ahead.

Day Wednesday. Mens Section 1. Red

The team list is: Robert, Phillip, Hari, Rick, Daphne and George. There are 6 teams in the section. Frequent practice has earned top position on the ladder. In the 1st match the Reds defeated a top GWTC team. Match 2 was a loss to Burden Park, 3 sets each, 38/40 games.

Day Wednesday. Section 3.  Gold formerly known as the Dream team

The team list is: Jon, Sandy, Jack, Patrick Leech, Alan, Leo, Nalliah, captain Veera and Andrew and Jeff. After 2 matches there is some damage but no alarm bells. There is a submerged confidence, not counting chickens and no fat ladies singing. Wait.

Metro Masters Thursday. Section 2. Weekend Hacks

The team has an excellent start to the season defeating St. John’s 5-1 sets, 36-16 games. Then defeating East Croydon 3-3 sets, 27-26 games from being down 1-3 sets. The comeback win was likewise to Ash Barty and Rafa Nadal in the AO 2022.

Social Tennis Thursday Ladies:

The ladies were at the Bruce Barnes funeral. Later, seated at a table enjoying refreshments, cakes and scones with jam and cream, the ladies were in deep talk of return to tennis and whether they would need new tennis attire. Rod Grace who knows where the gossip is took a seat at the table. He was reprimanded for snooping but was allowed to stay as an umpire.

Social Tennis Saturday/Sunday Mornings:

From 8.30am to 11.30 the tennis is non-stop and using new tennis balls. Contacts are Jack , Sandy Chandrananth, Sri plus another 3. As there are up-to 16 regular players arriving at different times a booking/playing system is implemented. Contact an above-named convenor by Thursday evening or if necessary, Friday so that the white-board is prepared.


Alexei Demajo, 0418 369 763, an accredited coach with international experience, and assistant coaches provide coaching services to the primary school, to the parents and to our membership. They also restring racquets

The number of school students attending sessions at lunch-time and after school has increased. The school and the parish are fortunate to have tennis courts on site

On Friday under court lights commencing 07.30pm assistant coach, Tao, has re-introduced a session for adults. The sessions are well-attended. For information contact Alexei

Alexei has a full range of tennis information and supplies. For additional information please contact Alexei on mobile or


St. Christopher’s TC, Club Vision:

The committee, under guidance, by Jeff Webb is discussing how to improve our existence.

While StCTC is a small club, it has always batted above its weight. Our facilities boast some of the best En Tout Cas tennis courts, our teams are successful, and our fun and social environment make the Club extremely attractive to preserve our advantages, the committee has developed a strategic roadmap which will make us grow our membership base to secure the necessary finances to maintain our facilities to the highest standards.

The key themes of the Plan are:

Strengthen our connection to the St. Christopher’s parish and primary school

Expand opportunities for skills coaching through our partnership with (Alexei) Future Demand Tennis

Build awareness of the Club so we attract greater participation from women and young adults

Exploring new revenue opportunities so to create financial sustainability to Improve our facilities and long-term sustainability.


These strategic objectives are supported by our updated Club Vision.

Our Vision:

St. Christopher’s Tennis Club provides:

The parish and members with tennis opportunities

A fun and social environment through commitment of strong governance over:

Member Programs

Asset Management

Financial Sustainability


We are keen to get everyone involved in helping us achieve our existing objectives. Please speak to Jack, Jeff, Supriyo and Hari to see how you can make a difference to StCTC.


Greens/weeds growing into the court fences and garden to be sprayed frequently with weed-killer

Courts and lines on 3 courts were resurfaced by some members

Bagging and watering the courts to a deep red colour is required from fencelines

The tank water catchment pits were clogged with pine needles, sticks, bark, paper and 2 golf balls

Vacuuming of the pits located at bowling end of cricket nets was 2 hours work. No wonder the pump was seized and unable to pump water to the storage tank

Tank water system has had a major overhaul including 2 new pumps

Co-incidentally, the water tank is empty

North East light on court 1 is non-operating. Assessing repair

There were other items but I am weary of typing.



On behalf of the Committee to the membership, best wishes for a successful Year 2022.

On a final note: Keep in mind coach Alexei’s wisdom – (Have the Mind-set) Hit the ball at the top of the bounce.

Alan  ☺