Member Protection Information Officer [MPIO] Policy
Sacred Heart/St Andrews Tennis Club Mildura
Tennis Australia Definition
A Member Protection Officer can ensure that your club is a safe, fair and inclusive environment. Sport Australia defines the role as being “responsible for providing information about a person’s rights, responsibilities and options to an individual making a complaint or raising a concern”.
The role in more detail:
An MPIO Officer is to be an active listener who demonstrates caring and allows people to voice their grievances without judgement. Such an Officer is a sounding board and lets people talk in a calm environment. They adopt a professional approach being confidential and encouraging the complainant to choose their own option towards resolution. The MPIO can explain the complaint resolution process and provide referral information. After such a meeting it is important to monitor and follow up to see if the person is happy and has worked towards a resolution or reached a resolution. An MPIO needs well developed interpersonal and communication skills to manage a situation effectively, calmly, and impartially.
Any complaints are to be submitted to the Club MPIO Officer in writing. A suitable meeting time will then be organised.
MPIO Officer: Complaint Handling Principles
- Treat all complaints seriously
- Act promptly
- Treat people fairly and listen to both sides of the story
- Stay neutral
- Keep parties to the complaint informed
- Maintain confidentiality
- Protect against victimisation
- Keep accurate records
- Make decisions based only on information gathered not personal views
- Provide the complainant with information only as to how to get assistance to resolve the complaint.
All Complaints are to be handled in line with the Tennis Australia Process:
- Tennis Australia Member Protection Policy
- Tennis Australia Safeguarding Children Code of Conduct
- Tennis Australia Social Media Policy
- Tennis Australia Improper Use of Drugs and Medicine Policy
- Tennis Australia Code of Behaviour: Competitive Play