Gender Equity Policy

Gender Equity Policy

Tennis Australia (TA) and TA’s Member Associations (MAs) are committed to providing a safe, welcoming, and inclusive sporting environment for everyone regardless of their differences. We are proud to promote equitable opportunities in tennis to ensure all women, men and people who identify as Transgender, Gender Diverse or Non-Binary can participate in tennis without fear of stigmatisation or discrimination.

Clubs and associations should permit and actively encourage players to participate in all Community Tennis activities in accordance with their gender identity.

Sport has a vital role to play in creating an Australia where all women and girls are not only safe but also respected, valued and treated as equals in private and public life.  


Purpose of this policy: 

To ensure Sacred Heart /St. Andrews Tennis Club maintains a gender equity-based approach to all activities.



Gender Equity 

Gender equity is the process of being fair to women and men in decision making and the provision of resources and the addressing of imbalances. Gender equity recognises that within all communities, women and men have different benefits, access to power, resources and responsibilities. Gender equity is the process of addressing the disadvantages and barriers that some people face because of their gender and providing them with the necessary support and resources to achieve equality.


Gender Equality 

Gender equity leads to gender equality, where there are equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities for women and men.


Gender Diverse

Gender diverse is an umbrella term that can refer to a person or a group and is used to describe gender identities that demonstrate a diversity of expression beyond the binary framework. It means that the gender identity or expression does not conform to the binary or socially defined norms of male or female or that the person’s gender does not match their sex assigned at birth. Gender diverse people may prefer to change their gender, have no gender, or use different labels to describe themselves. 


Gender Diversity

Gender diversity is equitable or fair representation of people of different genders. It most commonly refers to an equitable ratio of men and women, but also includes people of non-binary genders.



Sacred Heart /St. Andrews Tennis Club is committed to supporting gender equity. We aim to ensure that all people involved in the club have the same opportunities, equal rights, and respect, regardless of their gender. 

Fairness is to be upheld so that everyone is operating on an equal playing field.   


Guiding Principles

Ensure Sacred Heart /St. Andrews Tennis Club:

  • Provides equitable opportunities for its male, female and gender diverse members and any guests to the club. 
  • Maintains an organisational culture which supports gender equity. 
  • Promotes a family friendly club valuing input from women, men, and gender diverse people. 
  • Offers flexible tennis times so that people can play tennis when it suits them. 
  • Regularly reviews policies, procedures and strategies to ensure gender equity is maintained


Create an equitable, respectful and enabling environment for all people within the Club through the following activities:

  • Ensure that there is equal gender representation on all committees.
  • Seek opportunities to encourage gender diversity in positions historically filled by gender stereotypes.   


Demonstrate gender equity social responsibility through the following community related activities:

  • Support external organisations that demonstrate gender equity.


Who is responsible for implementing this policy?

The Sacred Heart/St. Andrews Tennis Club Committee is responsible for implementing this policy and ensuring the policy is communicated to all members and guests involved in the club in any capacity. In conjunction with the committee, all members have a responsibility to ensure equitable opportunities are provided and to ensure the Sacred Heart/St. Andrews Tennis Club continues to be a welcoming and inclusive club. 


Policy developed 2021

Policy reviewed 2022

Policy reviewed in conjunction with James Wilson MRCC Gender Equity Officer Aug 2023