Healthy Choices
- We understand and recognise the importance of good nutrition and the role it plays in maintaining good health and wellbeing.
- We are committed to being supportive of healthy food choices at our Club.
- We realise that effective choices of foods and drinks underpins a healthy lifestyle.
Our intent:
- To make healthy eating an available choice to all our members and visitors.
- To identify that healthy eating across all age groups supports and promotes the benefits of engaging in sport.
- To support government guidelines that promote healthy eating.
- To make healthy food an option at all activities and functions where food and beverages are made available to club members and visitors.
- To promote drinking water as the first and best choice [Clean and safe tap water is always available free of charge].
- Any catering will provide healthy options and consider the green, amber, and red foods and beverages ‘traffic light system’ as per the Healthy Choices Guidelines.
- Water to be always readily available.
- Up to date Food Handler in charge of all catering and canteen operations. [Completion of the Victorian Food Handler Course]
- Safe and clean food storage and preparation facilities will be provided.
Policy review:
This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant to the club and reflects both community expectations and government guidelines for sporting bodies in relation to healthy eating.
Next review January 2025.
Reference: Healthy Eating Advisory Service:
The Victorian Government’s Healthy Choices guidelines use a ‘traffic light classification system’ to categorise foods and drinks into three groups based on their nutritional value: as GREEN (best choices), AMBER (choose carefully) and RED (limit)