Our members get free court usage, inter club pennant participation, access to RTC events, weekly group social play, and more. Enquire to join today and enjoy the benefits.

Membership period has now been altered to run in line with the financial year.

Current year membership begins 1 July 2024 through to 30 June 2025.

Prospective new members seeking a membership form should contact treasurer Jacqui Green on  0407 894 370 or pick up a form in the clubhouse. Payment is made in cash to the treasurer or by online bsb transfer. Membership form needs to be either lodged at the club, return emailed or posted to treasurer.

Membership fees 2024/25

Fees are as follows:

  • $290 Family membership
  • $145 Single player 
  • $80 Junior (under 18) 
  • $100 Full time student (over 18) 
  • $5 discount for payment before 30/7/2024

For new members joining after July 1, a pro rata rate is available through to the end of the current membership period. 

Enquire with our treasurer Jacqui when joining. 

BSB: 807-009 (My State)

Account Number: 30275354