Payment Options

Online by Credit Card

Go back to the previous page and scroll to the bottom.


You can join Reid by completing the Membership Form. You can renew your Reid membership by completing the Renewal Form. Print the document, fill in your details, and make your payment and return the form by whichever of the following options is most convenient for you.

Please return completed form with cheque to:
Treasurer, Reid Tennis Club, PO Box 249, Campbell ACT 2612

Electronic Funds Transfer
Please make payment to Reid Tennis Club, Commonwealth Bank
BSB 062-910—Account number 00800145
(please enter your family name as the reference eg “Phillips joining “)

Please email completed form to or send to Reid Tennis Club, PO Box 249, Campbell ACT 2612

Payment may also be made in cash at any branch of the Commonwealth Bank. Make a deposit to the Reid Tennis Club
BSB 062-910—Account number 00800145
(please enter your family name as the reference eg “Phillips joining “)

Please email the completed form to or send to Reid Tennis Club, PO Box 249, Campbell ACT 2612


Category                                   Joining  Fees                             Annual Subscription
Adult                                                 $50                                                    $190
Family                                              $100                                                  $380
Young Adult (18-25)              $50                                                    $100                                           

Junior (<18)                                  $15                                            $65

New members, please add the joining fee to the annual subscription for payment. There is no joining fee for renewal.

  • If joining after 1 October the annual subscription is reduced to Adult $143, Family $285, Young Adult $75, Junior $49
  • If joining after 1 January the annual subscription is reduced to Adult $95, Family $190, Young Adult $50, Junior $32
  • If joining after 1 April the annual subscription is reduced to Adult $48, Family $94, Young Adult $25, Junior $16