Junior Comp

The Junior comp runs two seasons. A summer comp and a winter comp with Pennant grade through to section 5. Each week the kids will play either a home game or away game

In an epic win closing out the Junior Summer Season our section 5 - white team won the Grand Final against Inverloch on 23 March.

Juniors Section 1 and 3 also each had a team in the semi finals. 

Overall it was a fabulous season, with Phillip Island represented in 7 teams in sections 1, 3 and 5. 

The 2024 Junior Winter Competition starts on 4 May, with registration required by 28 March. Matches are played at 9:30am Saturday mornings. Two players are required per team and play consists of one singles and one doubles match. If you are interested in registering for a team contact Katie Medlar on 0409237364. 

Due to the large amount of teams home games are played at either the Phillip Islanbd Tennis Club, or Newhaven College courts. 

Other teams in the district include Korrumburra, Inverloch, Poowong, Wonthaggi, Leongatha and Westernport. 

New Scoreboards

We are most fortunate to have received four new scoreboards, donated to the Club by  member Hannah Jensen and her partner Julian Jones. These scoreboards are hanging inside the clubhouse and can be taken out and hung on the fence, or on the umpires chair. Please return them to the clubhouse when you have finished using them.