Friday Night Junior Tennis Comp

Term 1, 2025  Friday Night Comp (8 Wks) registration has opened in the customer portal, first couple of weeks is grading. 

Comp registration in the portal is found under Coaching - Register Now , then scroll to the bottom of options to book. 


Please Note:

Registration is accessed through the Customer portal. Existing Tennis Academey customers please use the same email address you have used to register for lessons, reset your password if required. 

New customers create a new account via the link above.    

Any issues please email


It's a graded competition for juniors aged 8 - 17 of all standards looking to develop their game. Coaches will be on court to assist.


  • Time: 5:15 sign in at the Pro shop for a 5:30 start (All play finishes at 7:00 pm)
  • Date: TERM 1 2025, is a 8 week programme,  from Monday the 10th of Feburary  - Saturday 6th of April.
  • Venue: Paramount Tennis Club (Wingewarra St, Dubbo)
  • Cost: $115 (per 8 week term) Pizza and soft drink will be supplied. Grading week 1 free of charge.
  • Lots of Prizes to be won including a Top of the range Junior Babolate Racquet for Best On Court for the term.


Registration is open, please click the hyper link. 


Week 3: Teams announced on the night.

Information and Grading nights will be the first two Friday nights of term, players then allocated to teams. All Players Graded into teams will need to be able to serve 6 out of 10 serves in from a minimum of ¾ court. Week 3 team announcements and competition starts for the remainder of term 2 . No refunds or make ups for wet weather just more prizes.


Friday Night ORANGE and RED BALL Competition


( Not Running in term 3 , 2024) New: Orange and Red Ball Comp (age 5-9) is a new and seperate comp at an earlier time. Please see below for ORANGE AND RED BALL Comp details. 

Friday night comp is open for all red ball students aged 5-8, they will be given the opportunity to experience what it is like to play a game of tennis. The coaches will be there to support and guide them, as well as letting them explore the game for themselves.


WHEN : Not Running Tern 3.

WHERE : Paramount Tennis Club

COST : $75.00

Lots of Prizes to be won including a quality junior racquet .

Registration is open, please click the hyper link.



Players will play against each other based on competencies.

- The players that can rally and score will play proper points

- The players that can rally but can’t score will score by moving pegs up and down the net or using cones

- The players that can’t rally or score will use big balls or cones to throw and catch, having a modified rally