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Hard Court Hire

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How to Book Animation

Community North Perth Hard Court Bookings (courts 7 & 8 only)

North Perth Tennis Club court bookings are open to anyone in the community (non-members) as well as members. For hard court use, please click on the day/time above to book a hard court.  Bookings are a minimum 60 minutes but additional time in allocations of +30 minutes (pro-rata) can be added to each booking (maximum of 3 hours).  Rates apply to the court and not per-person, however, all players should be entered into the booking system (for COVID-19 tracking). Payments are made online using secure credit card booking.

Notes rates have changed from June 30th 2023.

A NEW RANDOMIZED PIN-CODE has been introduced to book a court at North Perth - WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU SELECT "yes" TO AN SMS CONFIRMATION TO ENSURE YOU HAVE READY ACCESS TO YOUR 9-DIGIT PIN (otherwise check your email from [email protected]).
For single bookings: players will receive a 9-digit PIN when a booking is made online. The PIN will be active for the entire booking period (+ a small grace period before the start and end time of the booking to allow key return).
For recurring bookings: a new PIN will be generated for each individual session of the booking. NOTE: An automated email will be sent to the booking contact of the recurring booking at the start of each day. The email will display the booking PIN for each session on that day.

You're welcome to just book and play.  For hard court booking problems (no other enquiries) please contact 0400 278 050 or email [email protected]   Unfortunately we can't help with providing racquets.  If you're lost, here's a map of our courts

Playing a lot and want to become a member?  See our Membership Details but check the requirements before trying to sign-up.

Can you play  tennis but need a partner?  Consider coming down to play social tennis on Saturdays from 2pm -  a 'free visit voucher' is available through this website - go to 'news' to download your voucher.

How to access the courts on the day of your booking

Access to the hardcourts is a self-service system.  No one will be present to let you in on the day of your booking. Once you book, you will receive an email from [email protected] with instructions on how to access the courts.  Importantly, please check the email address used to book the court to find these instructions.

Having booking issues ?

A common issue we see is that a community member tries to book a court for less than 60 minutes.  The credit card system charges for the transaction (typically < $13.33, the minimum for a non-member booking)  but the booking system  rejects the booking (as it is <$13) . This can be concerning and we do our best to resolve any issues.  The credit card payment system (which is out of our control)  system  states that for a credit card refund, " It may take a few days for the money to reach the customer's bank account."  So you won't be charged (even though you get a transaction report after the booking).  We apologise for the inconvenience and suggest ensuring the booking duration is set to a minimum of 60 minutes for a painless experience (90 minutes of play is generally best).