
Competion at present includes 38 teams from 19 tennis clubs. Clubs and their sections of teams playing in the Current Autmn, 2025 season are as follows:-

We also know have 18 women players across the 19 tennis clubs, and team are encouraged to enter women in their teams as our constitution never specified gender.

Clifton Hill   Section 4

Donvale        Sections 1, 2, 3 & 5

East Burwood  Section 2

East Croydon  Sections 3,4 & 5

Eltham         Sections 1, 2, 4 & 5

Fitzroy         Sections 3 & 4

Glen Waverley  Sections 1 & 4 (2 teams)

Greythorn Park  Sections 1 & 4

Legend Park  Section 3

Lum Reserve  Section 5

Macleod  Section 2

Mount Evelyn  Section 5

Norris Bank  Section 2

North Balwyn  Section 3

North Ringwood  Sections 4 & 5

Royal Park Sections 1 & 2

St.Johns  Sections 2 & 5 *play at East Preston Park

Fixtures are now jumbled that 8 team sections relate to the 6 team sections draws, and thus club reuests that want certain teams home together can be accommodated. If you have fixture numbers 7 & 8 it is important to remember that you may have 3 matches home in a row, and 3 matches away in a row for this to work. Contact information at the above clubs can be found in the Fixtures tab on the Metro Masters TROLS (Tennis Results On Line) website using the link

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The Association supports and recommends the use of UTR (Universal Tennis Rankings), and suggest that players who play in multiple competitions complete the Competitive Player Profile, and link all the competitions to obtain the most appropriate UTR – UTR relies on pollination from lots of competitions to be effective otherwise it becomes association only for comparisons. Whilst it is important it should not distract from the most important part of our competition which are enjoying playing tennis and the social aspect that our competition provides.