When you sign up to become a member all details on how to access the courts will be sent to you via email. From here you are free to utilise the courts as often as you like (subject to coaching, social events, and competitions).
Social Tennis
Ladies Social Hit – Thursday 09.30am
Members $3.00 and Non-Members $5.00
We encourage you to join us for lunch at a local café after play.
Mixed Social Hit – Saturday 09.30am
Members $3.00 and Non-Members $5.00
Kids Community Coaching - Every Second Thursday at 4.30pm
Free Program.
Pickleball Social Hit - Tuesday 6.00pm
Members $3.00 and Non-Members $5.00
Tuesday 9 April
4.00 pm - 5.00 pm - Junior Session
5.00 pm - 6.00 pm - Senior Session
Tess Lapham - Victoria State Pickleball Player in attendance.
Come join in on the fastest-growing sport in the world!!
Look forward to seeing you there.
Once again, SHARE SHARE SHARE and bring along your friends.
We are also looking at launching a new Men’s social hit. Please reach out if you are interested in joining.