Review Your Team's Progress
All draws and points ladders can be viewed online here.
Click on the day (Tuesday or Thursday) and then the section you wish to view.
Please note: to participate in our competitions, you are required to obtain a Competitive Player Profile (CPP). A step-by-step guide on how to register for a tennis account and set up your CPP is here.
Your Competitive Player Profile is the unique profile generated by connecting your Tennis Australia acount (Tennis ID) and Universal Tennis Ranking (UTR) Rating. With this connection established, your playing history and upcoming match data can be stored securely in one place, giving you full visibility of your tennis stats and performance.
The link to start this process is is here.
If you have already registered, you can view your account here.
We remind you to also activate your UTR by clicking on the button highlighted in red as per the image below. Once you have done this, you will be able to see what your doubles UTR is.
If you have a 'P' after your number, then this means that your UTR is provisional. Once you play five or more matches the "P" will disappear.