Our Competitions

Our competitions are run over two seasons each year (Season 1 commencing late January/early February and Season 2 in July).

Competitions are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays during Queensland state school terms, providing the option of playing both days or one day per week. There is no play during regular state school holidays or on public holidays. Our Tuesday competition currently has three grades and our Thursday competition has two grades.

Each team must have at least four players and a maximum of six players in total. The Association is a little unusual in that it does not have its own facility. Instead, teams hire their own courts and play home and away matc

Play starts at 9.00am each day. Four players play four sets each (two with their main partner and the other two sets with different partners). Play normally finishes around 2.00pm.  The exception is one of our Thursday grades where teams play six sets (one set with each team member).

Our competitions are governed by various rules and policies:

  • Tuesday Playing Rules
  • Thursday Playing Rules
  • Code of Behaviour
  • Extreme Weather Policy.

For anything not covered in these rules, we use the general rules from the International Tennis Federation and default to relevant Tennis Australia polices.

More information on costs and how to join is here.