2022 - 23 President's Report


2022/23 saw a strong return to more normal times for the Elwood Park Tennis Club after the pandemic lockdown. It was a successful year for the club with strong participation in team competition, a few premierships, and the club finishing the year in a healthy financial position.

The club’s membership numbers are at an all-time high of around 500 however this has lead to a significant membership waitlist. Due to the high membership numbers, there is a current freeze on new memberships. The length of time on the waitlist is dependent on membership renewals /resignations. The club is keen to ensure subscriptions are paid as promptly as possible to ensure new memberships can be offered to people on the waitlist.

The Elwood Foreshore redevelopment project continues to progress. The Port Phillip Council has agreed to leave the club where it is and signed off on a new plan in September. This is great news allowing the committee to continue working on upgrading the club facilities. Thanks everyone for their support in discussion with Port Phillip Council and local councillors.

Our next step is to start planning for replacement of the tennis courts. The courts are at the end of their life and have become quite slippery. We have received several quotes from contractors and undertaken extensive investigative work. Before proceeding, Port Phillip Council, the club’s landlord, need to approve the works. We hope to secure approval and commence work soon. Once there is a better idea on timing there will be communication to club members regarding works. We will try to make this as least disruptive as possible.

I would like to finish by thanking all the club committee members and volunteers, such as team captain and members who contribute to the upkeep of the facilities and gardens. We are lucky to have such an enthusiastic group of people, without these volunteers the club would not function. Also, a big thank you to our long-time coach, Nick Buck, who continues to run a great coaching program for adults and juniors.

Finally, during the year, Jill Steele, the club secretary, was recognised by Tennis Victoria for her exceptional services to the sport. Great recognition for all her work. These awards are determined at the discretion of the Tennis Victoria Board.

See you on the court soon.