Policies, By-Laws & Constitution

East Malvern Tennis Club Policies:-

Membership Terms & Conditions 2024-2025

Sunday afternoon court access

Court Care & Shoe Policy      Shoe Sole Images

Tennis Australia National Policies:-

Member Protection, Safeguarding Children Code of Conduct, Code of Behaviour, Privacy & Extreme Weather

Competitive Play Regulations and Code of Behaviour

EMTC and Tennis Australia Safeguarding Children

EMTC Member Protection Information Officer:- Danielle Whibley feedback@eastmalverntc.com.au

Constitution – The East Malvern Tennis Club Incorporated

The East Malvern Tennis Club Incorporated was registered on 18 September 2015 – Registration Number A0092910F.

Our new Constitution came into effect at our AGM on Sunday 15th November 2015.

Prior to that The East Malvern Tennis Club was a Company by Limited Guarantee, registered between Nov1922 - Nov2015