Occupational Health Safety & Environment

The Club is committed to ensuring as far as practicable, the health, safety and welfare of members, contractors, non-members and visitors whilst they are present at the Club, in compliance with all relevant procedures, Tennis Australia policies and legislative requirements.

Members, contractors, non-members and visitors also have a duty to take reasonable care of their own safety and that of other persons who may be affected by their actions or omissions whilst they are at the Cub.

The Clubs Occupational Health & Safety Environment Management System has been approved by the Committee and presented in the documents set out below. As part of the Management System the Committee has adopted Tennis Australia's Member Protection Policy and Safeguarding Children Code of Conduct.

Occupational Health Safety & Environment - Management System Manual

Tennis Australia - Member Protection Policy

Tennis Australia - Safegurading Children Code of Conduct

Emergency Management Plan

Hazard and Incident Report Form


Member Protection Information Officer

The Member Protection Information Officer (MPIO) is the first point of call for any enquiries, concerns or complaints regarding Occupational Health Safety & Environment.

The MPIO will provide information and support regarding concerns / complaints and advice on club policies and procedures.

The Committee has approved the appointment of Drossos Haramantas as MPIO. He can be contacted on 0400 545 020 or via email at drossosh@hotmail.com.


Screening of appointees

In accordance with Tennis Australia's Member Protection Policy the Club has undertaken the screening requirements for Committee members and the Coaching team.

This includes ensuring that a current Working with Children Check is in place and a Member Protection Declaration has been received.


Commitment of child-safety

The Committee has adopted the following commitment to child safety:

"The East Camberwell Tennis Club has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of child abuse and is committed to ensuring the sport of tennis is a safe and friendly environment for children and young people. It is imperative that children and young people who access our activities, programs, events or services feel safe and supported."


Sports Club Accreditation Program - Boroondara Council

Boroondara Council has had a Sports Club Accreditation Program in place for a number of years which recognises and rewards sports clubs that actively create a welcoming, safe and inclusive environment for their players, spectators and volunteers.

The Club has recently achieved Bronze level accreditation for the 2025/26 year.