Clubhouse and Facility Use

Whitehorse City Council Regulations

The East Burwood Tennis Club (EBTC) shall comply with the Conditions and Regulations in the 10-year lease arrangement with the Whitehorse City Council, dated 1st July 2020, as follows:

1.  The premises shall be used as facilities for the tennis game and shall not be used as residence or sleeping area or for any illegal purposes or activities such as drug use, gambling, etc

2.  Permitted hours of operation are between 8 am and 7 pm, seven days a week.

3.  No use of any musical instruments, radio, televisions, or other equipment that can be heard or seen from outside the clubhouse.

4.   Alcohol consumption must strictly comply with the conditions of the club's Restricted Liquor Licence (Liquor Licence 2022-23 and section 120 for underage) 

  • These conditions are stipulated in our Liquor Licence which is displayed on noticeboards in the clubhouse.
  • Only alcohol pre-purchased by EBTC can be consumed on the premises
  • An EBTC member with a current RSA certification must be present when alcohol is served.
  • No BYO liquor is allowed

5.  Smoking and Vaping is strictly prohibited inside the fence boundary of the club and has to be at a distance of minimum 4 metres from the gate entrance. Smokers must always obey NO SMOKING signs (Smoking policy)


Club Rules

1.  Children may not use the clubhouse except under the supervision of an adult (Child Safety Standard policy)

2.  Members must be considerate and respectful of other clubhouse users at all times (Member Code of Behaviour policy)

3.  No party or cooking is permitted without first getting the approval of the EBTC committee

  • No preparation or cooking of food on the premises by members, without a current Food Handling permit.

4.  Members - before leaving the clubhouse please ensure that

  • it is clean, and no food is left on benches, tables, or cupboards.
  • rubbish has been removed and deposited in council bins outside
  • lights and heaters are turned off
  • the last person is to close all windows and ensure both doors and all gates are locked.

5.  Members should not park their cars in the club driveway at any time except for temporary loading or unloading goods. 

6.  No animals or pets are allowed onto the club grounds except guide or service dogs.

7.  Being part of a community-based tennis club, members are asked to voluntarily contribute to regular working bees in an effort to keep our courts, the clubhouse, and the grounds in top condition.


updated June, 2024


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