Tennis Whizz - Red and orange ball play

Ages: 3-5 years
When? (8 weeks) starting Saturday, 8 February 2020
How do I book my kids in? Click here
Our Tennis Whizz program is specifically designed for children aged between 3-5 years. The focus of this program is the acquisition and enhancement of fundamental movement and perceptual motor skills required for many sporting activities – in particular tennis, as well as some of the fundamental technical and tactical concepts of the game of tennis, such as groundstrokes. Our Tennis Whizz program assists in laying the skills foundation to be able to play the game of tennis. Our coaching team encourage the participants of this program, as well as Mums and Dads to be active, enjoy their tennis and have a healthy approach to life.
The program consists of eight, 30 minute lessons. All the tools and equipment necessary to conduct the program are included.
For more information please email or
Call Head Coach David Pajackowski on 0424 295 634