About Our Memberships

We have members from many walks of life from familes and couples, to members of the smaller stature (juniors) and individuals of all ages and abilities. Many of our young children are participating in lessons with the Club Coach which often leads to their parents participating too.

Our membership packages have been crafted to allow all people to particpate in the Club in some way.


Adult Membership 12 Months

12 months membership

This is a full 12 month Adult Membership. The membership will be valid for 12 months from the date you purchase it.

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Adult Membership 6 Months

6 months membership

This is a 6 month Adult Membership. The membership will be vaild for 6 months from the date you purchase it.

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Concession Membership

12 months membership

This is a full 12 month Concession Membership. The membership will be valid for 12 months from the date you purchase it. It is for people over the age of 18 who hold a student card, health care card or pension card.

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Dual Membership STC

12 months membership

12 month Dual Membership gives eligibility to participate in Club Pennants, Club Championships, Cardio with fees for events at members rates with limited club access. The membership will be valid for 12 months from the date you purchase it.

Eligibility: You must provide proof of an active full membership from another club.

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Family Membership

12 months membership

This is a full 12 month Family Membership. A Family Membership includes two adults and unlimited children. This membership will be vaild for 12 months from the date of purchase.

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Junior Membership

12 months membership

This membership is for juniors under 18 years of age. The membership will be vaild for 12 months from the date you purchase it.

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