Court Access Policy

NPTC courts are made available for competition play (adults and juniors), coaching, social play and casual hire by members and the wider community. To accommodate the competing needs of these users the Committee
has determined the following:

  1. All competition tennis takes priority over all other user groups.
  2. All courts are reserved for social play on Sundays 6pm to late, Mondays 7pm to late and Wednesdays 9am to 11am.
  3. All members and non-members wanting to use the courts casually must book a court via the online court booking system.
  4. Bookings can be made 14 days in advance. The tennis courts are open 7 days a week from 5 am to 11:00pm. Due to high demand, members and casual court hirers are limited to a maximum of 1 hour singles play per day or a maximum 2 hours doubles play per day. Members when playing with a non-member must pay the additional court hire fee for a non-member. Members are expected to record who they will be playing with when making a booking.
  5. Courts may be booked for personal use only. Booking courts for commercial use or on behalf of other parties is strictly prohibited unless approval is sought from and granted by the Committee. Coaching cannot occur without the awareness and consent of the committee.
  6. Members must not book courts for use by other members or non-members.
  7. The Committee reserves the right to refuse bookings for individuals who hoard courts, frequently cancel reservations or have a history of not showing or arriving late for reserved courts. Expectation is that cancellations and no-shows would be due to bad weather or an unforeseen illness/emergency and therefore likely less than 10% of total bookings made.
  8. Members will be counselled in the first instance for failure to adhere to this court access policy and for any misuse of the court reservation system in order to by-pass this policy. For any further non-compliance and at the committee’s discretion, the member will be required to pay the equivalent public court hire fee or accept a one month suspension. In addition, the Committee reserves the right to refuse or cancel membership for any non-compliance. In the case of membership cancellation a pro-rata membership fee refund may apply.
  9. The coach must obtain permission from the Committee Secretary to hire courts outside of the “coaching contract schedule”.
  10. The courts and facilities can be booked for private functions by members and community groups during off peak booking times at the discretion of the Committee. Off peak booking hours are defined as Monday to Friday before 5pm.