Join us for the 2024/2025 Season!
Yarrawonga Lawn Tennis Club offers a range of membership options to suit all players:
Junior any person under the age of 18 as at 1/10/2024 $100
Adult any person over the age of 18 as at 1/10/2024 $140
Family 2 adults and all eligible junior family members $280
Non-Playing Social Member $0
Yarrawonga Lawn Tennis Club's preferred payment method for current members is via an Internet Bank Transfer. Once a transaction is made please text Jason Bassett of 0448 838 256 to confirm the transaction is made.
Internet Bank Transfer: Account Name: YLTC No2, BSB: 083-984, Account Number: 16-083-2869
Please use your surname as reference
New Members
Anyone interested in becoming a new member of the YLTC please contact Jason Bassett on 0448 838 256 or alternatively email