Weather Rules
Play is encouraged except ...
Is it too hot?
If the forecasted maximum temperature for the day at 7.30am, issued by the Bureau of Meteorology is 36 degrees Celsius, all sets shall commence at 3 games all and be played to 9 games, with tie-break at 8 games all.
If the estimated maximum temperature is 37 or more degrees Celsius – ALL MATCHES ARE CANCELLED.
The Permit Committee may at its discretion, cancel all matches following a heat wave.
Is it too wet?
If Club courts are closed by Greenkeepers on a match day, then points are shared for matches at that venue. Club Representatives are to contact opposing team captains by 8.30am on a match day regarding closure of courts due to rain.
If Club courts remain open for play, ALL players must attend such venues. If no play is possible before 10.30am, the match is to be cancelled. Teams need to enter into Match Centre the results of any sets played or enter zero sets if no play. Points will be allocated for completed sets and shared for incomplete or not-played sets. If it is not raining at a certain venue, teams should continue to play regardless of if rain is causing cancellation at other venues.