Notice of Special General Meeting
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 00:00
ABN 60 256 286 459
Notice of Special General Meeting
Wednesday 26th March 2025 7.30pm
Via Zoom
Link will be sent prior to the meeting date.
A Special General Meeting of the Willison Park Tennis Club Incorporated Association will be held on Wednesday 26th March 2025 at 7.30pm via Zoom, at which the following resolution will be proposed as a special resolution.
The Proposed New Rules of Association can be found on our website at
All Adult, Life and Family adult members who have been financial members for at least 6 months are eligible to vote. However there is a limit of 2 votes per Family membership. A link to the meeting will be sent closer to the date. You may also vote by using the proxy form found on the same page of the website. Your proxy form must be received no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting. Please send to or hand to the Secretary
Special Resolution
That the current Willison Park Tennis Club rules be revoked with effect immediately and that the Model Rules in accordance with Schedule 1 of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (the Act) and Associations Incorporation Reform Regulations 2023 be adopted as the Rules of the Willison Park Tennis Club Incorporated Association, save for the following amendments:
1 Name
The name of the incorporated association is “Willison Park Tennis Club Incorporated".
2 Purposes
The purposes of the Association are to facilitate and support social and competitive tennis for its members.
3 Financial year
The financial year of the Association is each period of 12 months ending on 30 June.
4 Definitions
Associate member definition to be deleted
11 New Membership
Insert “and annual subscription” in (2)(b):
(2) (b) the person pays the joining fee “and annual subscription.”
12 Annual subscription and fee on joining
Delete (2) The Association may determine that a lower fee is payable by associate members.
Insert a new clause 13
13 Membership
1) Types of membership
Notwithstanding any other provision set out in these Rules, the types of membership available shall be determined by a general meeting of the Association. The initial types of membership shall consist of:
(a) Honorary Life Members
(b) Full Members
(c) Full Junior Members
(d) Non-Playing Members, and
(e) Family Members
(2) Entitlements of membership
(a) Honorary Life Members and Full Members:
(i) shall be entitled to admission to the Club premises at all times when use is permitted;
(ii) shall be entitled to use the courts in accordance with by-laws laid down by the club; and
(iii) shall be entitled to attend and vote at all General Meetings of the Club and shall be entitled to be a member of the Committee of Management.
(i) shall be entitled to admission to the Club premises at all times when use is permitted;
(ii) shall be entitled to use the courts in accordance with by-laws laid down by the club; and
(iii) shall be entitled to attend but not vote at all General Meetings of the Club and shall not be entitled to be a member of the Committee of Management.
(c) Non-Playing Members:
(i) shall be entitled to admission to the Club premises at all times when use is permitted;
(ii) shall not be entitled to use the courts; and
(iii) shall be entitled to attend but not vote at all General Meetings of the Club and shall not be entitled to be a member of the Committee of Management.
(d) Family Members:
(i) shall be entitled to admission to the Club premises at all times when use is permitted;
(ii) shall be entitled to use the courts in accordance with by-laws laid down by the club;
(iii) shall be entitled to attend and vote at all General Meetings of the Club but limited to two votes only; these two votes can only be cast by adult family members; and
(iv) adults shall be entitled to be members of the Committee of Management.
Further, for eligible members to be entitled to vote at a General Meeting of the Club they must have been Members for a minimum period of six months.
General rights of members (existing clause 13)
Delete 13 (2)
(2) A member is entitled to vote if—
(a) the member is a member other than an associate member; and
(b) more than 10 business days have passed since the member became a member of the Association; and
(c) the member's membership rights are not suspended for any reason.
Renumber General rights of members as clause 14
14 Associate members
(1) Associate members of the Association include—
(a) any members under the age of 15 years; and
(b) any other category of member as determined by special resolution at a general meeting.
(2) An associate member must not vote but may have other rights as determined by the Committee or by resolution at a general meeting.
18 Register of Members
(v) if the member is an associate member, a note to that effect; and
(v) the type of membership as defined in Rule 13; and
36 Quorum at General Meetings
10% to be replaced by 5% as follows
(2) The quorum for a general meeting is the presence (physically, by proxy or as allowed under rule 35) of 5% of the members entitled to vote.
63 Quorum
(At committee meetings)
(2) The quorum for a committee meeting is the presence (in person or as allowed under rule 62) of a majority of the committee members holding office.
And insert
(2) The quorum for a committee meeting is the presence (in person or as allowed under rule 62) of any four members of the committee.
Dated 28th February 2025
Rowena Donaghy