Jim (James) Leggatt

Jim first lobbed into Sydney in January 1939 in Dulwich Hill, son of  tennis players, and eventually to hatch a brood of them himself, with the help of Noelene, who still keeps him in line.

Jim started playing casually around Marrickville, and took up the game more seriously around 15, playing his first badge for WSLTA in 1958. In those days, coaching was not for everyone, and so the unorthodox two handed style that made Jim such a potent player survived. Today, it would be coached out of any kids with any talent by coaches who all seem to teach from the same playbook.

Jim won the club singles 1958 - 1963, being pretty much invincible during that time, and the doubles in the same years, except 1960. In doubles he played with a couple of different players including Jack Newbon, who won the singles in 1952, 1954, and 1957, along with the doubles with Jims father (also Jim) in 1954, 1956, and 1958. It was a Leggatt family thing around the club at that time.

In 1964 Jim moved to Marrickville club to play in the top Badge grade with a couple of his mates, and subsequently Cheltenham for the same reason. A look at the boards of both clubs where he shows up in both singles and doubles, tracks his tennis travels.

Jim arrived back "home" at WSLTA in 2008, continuing to play Badge, passing on his memories and tennis brain to those who follow.

The Leggatt family legacy in Badge  is extraordinary. Jim has played continuously since that first badge in 1958, an unbroken 56 years, following his father who played for many years before the war, and after until, the late 50's broken only be service in the airforce. Jim and Noelene's son Brian continues the tradition, currently playing Premier League, sadly not at Wests. At 82 years of age, Jim sadly passed away on the 13th of Feburary 2021 after suffering a serious stroke.