WRTA Committee Details

The WRTA is a group of clubs that come together to run competitions for players in our region. These clubs provide the volunteers to administer the competitions as according to the 'Constitution' and 'Competition Rules'.

Currently, the WRTA Executive Committee is composed of the following:

  • President: Steve Whitford - 0417 156 595
  • Vice President(s): Mark Steedman - 0407 365 934, Paul Fitzgerald - 9749 4563
  • Secretary: Sean Spralja - 0421 930 301
  • Treasurer: John Francis - 0412 570 647
  • Senior Competition Chairperson: contact Steve Whitford
  • Junior Competition Chairperson: Marlene Russell - 0419 533 435

For all written correspondence, you can send an email to our Secretary on wrtasecretary@gmail.com with your query.

Otherwise you can use the 'Contact Form' below. 

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