Member Protection
WTC Member Protection Policy 2023
1. Introduction
The vision of the Westernport Tennis Club is to create a vibrant, progressive and sustainable tennis club that thrives on providing a full range of enjoyable year-round playing opportunities for both social and competitive tennis. We are dedicated to providing and maintaining quality facilities for the members and the community that we serve. We aim to provide a safe and welcoming environment in which to promote tennis as an enjoyable and healthy sport for people of all ages, backgrounds and ability levels.
2. Purpose of Our Policy
The main objective of Westernport Tennis Club’s Member Protection Policy is to maintain responsible behaviour and the making of informed decisions by members and other participants in this club. It outlines our commitment to a person’s right to be treated with respect and dignity, and to be safe and protected from discrimination, harassment and abuse. Our policy informs everyone involved in our club of his or her legal and ethical rights and responsibilities and the standards of behaviour that are expected of them. It also covers the care and protection of children participating in our club’s activities.
3. Who Our Policy Applies To
This policy applies to everyone involved in the activities of our club whether they are in a paid or unpaid/voluntary capacity and including:
· club committee members, administrators and other club officials;
· coaches and assistant coaches and other personnel participating in events and activities, including camps and training sessions;
· support personnel, including managers, physiotherapists, psychologists, masseurs, sport trainers and others;
· referees, umpires and other officials;
· athletes;
· members, including any life members;
· parents;
· spectators; and
· any other person to whom the policy may apply
4. Extent of Our Policy
Our policy covers all matters directly and indirectly related to the Westernport Tennis Club and its activities. In particular, the policy governs unfair selection decisions and actions, breaches of our code of behaviour and behaviour that occurs at training sessions, in the club rooms, at social events organised or sanctioned by the club (or our sport), and on away and overnight trips. It also covers private behaviour where that behaviour brings our club or sport into disrepute or there is suspicion of harm towards a child or young person.
5. Club Responsibilities
We will:
- adopt, implement and comply with this policy;
- ensure that this policy is enforceable;
- publish, distribute and promote this policy and the consequences of any breaches of this policy;
- promote and model appropriate standards of behaviour at all times;
- deal with any complaints made under this policy in an appropriate manner;
- deal with any breaches of this policy in an appropriate manner;
- recognise and enforce any penalty imposed under this policy;
- ensure that a copy of this policy is available or accessible to all people and organisations to whom this policy applies;
- review this policy every 12-18 months; and
- seek advice from and refer serious issues to Tennis Vic.
Serious issues include unlawful behaviour that involves or could lead to significant harm and includes criminal behaviour (e.g. physical assault, sexual assault, child abuse) and any other issues that our state or national bodies request to be referred to them.
6. Individual Responsibilities
Everyone associated with our club must:
· make themselves aware of the contents of this policy;
· comply with all relevant provisions of this policy, including the standards of behaviour outlined in this policy;
· consent to the screening requirements set out in this policy, and any state or territory Working with Children checks if the person holds or applies for a role that involves regular unsupervised contact with a child or young person under the age of 18, or where otherwise required by law;
· treat other people with respect;
· always place the safety and welfare of children above other considerations;
· be responsible and accountable for their behaviour; and
· follow the guidelines outlined in this policy if they wish to make a complaint or report a concern about possible child abuse, discrimination, harassment, bullying or other inappropriate behaviour; and
· comply with any decisions and/or disciplinary measures imposed under this policy.
7. Child Protection - see seperate policy
The Westernport Tennis Club is committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people who participate in our club’s activities or use our services. We support the rights of the child and will act at all times to ensure that a child safe environment is maintained. We also support the rights and wellbeing of our staff and volunteers and encourage their active participation in building and maintaining a secure and safe environment for all participants.
Westernport Tennis Club acknowledges the valuable contribution made by our staff, members and volunteers and we encourage their active participating in providing a safe, fair and inclusive environment for all participants.
8. Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying - see seperate policy
9. Inclusive practices
9.1 People with a disability
The Westernport Tennis Club will not discriminate against any person because they have a disability. Where it is necessary, we will make reasonable adjustments (e.g., modifications to equipment and rules) to enable participation.
9. 2 People from diverse cultures
We will support, respect and encourage people from diverse cultures and religions to participate in our club and where possible we will accommodate requests for flexibility (e.g., modifications to uniforms).
9.3 Sexual & Gender Identity
All people, regardless of their sexuality or gender identity, are welcome at our club. We strive to provide a safe environment for participation and will not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment because of a person’s sexuality or gender identity.
9.4 Pregnancy
Westernport Tennis Club is committed to treating pregnant women fairly and to removing any unreasonable barriers to their full participation in our club’s activities. We will not tolerate any discrimination or harassment against pregnant women.
We will take reasonable care to ensure the continuing safety, health and wellbeing of pregnant women. We will advise pregnant women that there may be risks involved with their continuing participation in sport, and we will encourage them to obtain medical advice about those risks. Pregnant women should be aware that their own health and wellbeing, and that of their unborn child, is of utmost importance in their decision-making about the extent they choose to participate in our sport.
We encourage all pregnant women to talk with their medical advisers, make themselves aware of the facts about pregnancy in sport and ensure that they make informed decisions about their participation in our sport. Pregnant women should make these decisions themselves, in consultation with their medical advisers and in discussion with [Club]. We will only require pregnant women to sign a disclaimer in relation to their participation in our sport whilst they are pregnant if all other participants are required to sign one in similar circumstances. We will not require women to undertake a pregnancy test.
If a pregnant woman believes she is being, or has been, harassed or discriminated against by another person bound by this policy, she may make a complaint (see section 10).
10. Responding to Complaints - see seperate policy