Code of Conduct

The following codes are to be followed by our members and their supporters. Please read this, and explain the code to your children. This code applies to community sport, training and club sanctioned activities.

Every person who is part of the Toolamba Tennis Club ("Club") has the right to feel and be safe. The welfare of our members, and particularly of the children in our care, will always be our first priority.

The Club has a zero tolerance to child abuse. The Club aims to create a child safe and child friendly environment where children feel safe and have fun, and the Club's activities are always carried out in the best interests of the children.

Every person, spectator, player, club member, official, participant, administrator, coach, parent or member of the community involved with the sport, should work to ensure:

  • The inclusion of every person regardless of their age and gender;
  • The inclusion of every person regardless of their race, culture or religion;
  • Opportunities are available for people of all abilities to participate in the sport and develop to their full potential;
  • Every individual is listened to, with an appropriate response;
  • Respect is shown towards others, the club and the broader community;
  • The safety of all participants and bystanders - physically and emotionally;
  • The elimination of violent and abusive behaviour;
  • The protection from bullying or individual segregation; and
  • Respect and compassion to others within the Club environment.

In addition to the Tennis Etiquette  we encourage all players to:

  • shake hands/touch racquets at the end of a match, regardless of the outcome;
  • always promote fair sportsmanship, be honest with your line calls;
  • be a good sport and applaud all good play whether it's your team or opponent;
  • support your on-court team members when you are off the court;
  • remain at the courts until the whole team has finished playing, this is a team sport; and
  • play for the fun of it.

Specifically for Junior SJTA members and parents we expect the following:

  • Contribution to the Club in some way - the Club relies on volunteers in order for the junior competition to run successfully.  We will ask for volunteers for team managers as soon as teams are announced at the start of the season. We also ask for volunteers for working bees a few times a year, and expect that the junior players will contibute as well as their parents!
  • Parents must be present for games, or alternatively arrange for another parent to supervise their child.
  • Players are expected to be at the courts 15 minutes prior to play commencing (ie 8.45am on Saturday mornings) ready for play to commence on time. Team Managers will advise starting times for any Friday night games.
  • For home games, families will be rostered on to arrived by 8.15am to clean the courts and prepare the clubrooms.