Playing Tennis
There is a wide variety of tennis playing abilities among our members. Many like the relaxed social playing experience where the name of the game is fun and fitness. These members seem to gravitate towards the morning sessions. For the more competitive among us where you are encouraged to go for your winning shots, it seems these members tend to like the afternoon and night sessions.
It is important to note the Club does not categorise players on their playing abilities. Everyone can attend and play in any session they like, but it’s interesting to see how players will naturally gravitate towards the sessions they feel gives them the best enjoyment. And this is what our Club is all about, accommodating everyone and making sure they get the best out of their time on the court no matter how good or otherwise they play the game.
- 5:00pm: Tuesday nights
- 1:30pm: Thursday and Saturday afternoons
- 6:30am: Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings
- Court hire is also available
- Members: $5.00
- Non-members: $8.00
Keep mind it's only $40.00 for a full year of membership at our Club!!
During Club playing sessions men's doubles, ladies doubles and mixed doubles are the predominant formats played. A match will consist of a single set made up of eight games so everyone gets two serves each. A point deuce is played on the second deuce in a game to ensure matches don't last too long.
For those wanting a little more of a personal challenge, singles matches may also be played after checking with the Club's playing session Convenor at the time as priority must be given to doubles, especially if people are waiting.
Court hire is available outside the times of the Club playing sessions. If playing at night the lights must be off by 10:00pm.
The Club can arrange a hitting partner at no extra cost for those who may be flying solo and who would still prefer to hire a court for a personalised session.
Court Hire Contacts:
- Ian: 0439 785008
- Bernie: 0419 441371
If required, duly appointed playing session Convenors will assist in organising the order of players, answer any questions or concerns and resolve any issues that may arise. Convenors shall provide any guidance required to ensure the smooth and friendly flow of play. In the absence of a Convenor, you are on your own to fight it out like wild animals of the African Savanna!
2025 Club Playing Session Convenors:
- AM Convenors: Glen McKewen and Peter Marriott
- PM Convenors: “Wimbledon” Lynda Morton and Ian "V-Man" Stevens
The Club is not big enough to have any regular organised competition play within itself.
If children are in attendance whether playing or spectating, parents or guardians must be omnipresent as other members cannot provide Blue Card supervision.
The Club has a long history of accommodating service dogs and much-loved companion pets. We understand these little things can mean a lot, especially to those who live alone. If bringing a dog to tennis there’s a few common sense rules that must be adhered to:
- The dog must be registered with a local government body, i.e., for this area that’s Gympie Council.
- The dog must be tethered by lead when the owner is playing on court.
- The dog must be quiet and not cause any inconvenience or annoyance to any persons.
- Members are not permitted to take home with them a dog belonging to someone else, no matter how cute and cuddly that dog may be. Doing so may result in your free biscuit privileges being taken away.
If play is abandoned due to rain, a full refund of the session playing fee shall be given to those players who did not complete one full set. A refund of half the session playing fee shall be given to players who completed one full set but were unable to complete two full sets due to rain.
Currently the Club is not involved in coaching and does not have a junior squad. It is hoped this will change in the not too distant future.