Book A Court / Booking / Book by date

Book your court

PLEASE NOTE: All courts are closed until further notice - please do not make any court bookings.


General public (i.e. non-member) bookings

Unfortunately we are currently unable to make our courts available for public bookings.  We hope that this situation will change when we get our online booking system up and running in 2024.  If you'd like to try the courts before becoming a member please email and we will try to accomodate.

Member bookings

Outside of school hours (8am - 4pm Monday to Friday) and during any club competitions members are entitled to use the courts for free.  Simply book any available court for a minimum of 30 minutes up to a maximum of 3 hours in duration.

Courts are accessed via a locked entrance gate and gate keys are available with a $40 deposit.

Please respect the surface of the courts by ensuring any debris are removed before play and tennis shoes are worn.

Once your tennis match has concluded please ensure the entrance gate is closed behind you.

Court lights

To turn the lights on or off click on this link

Select the appropriate court number and action (i.e. turn light on or off) and then press 'Submit' at the bottom of the form.  The lights should turn on or off as requested within 5 minutes so please be patient and only submit one request.

Member's visitors

A member may invite up to three visitors to the Club at any one time. It is the member’s responsibility to organise the payment of a visitor fee of $10 per visitor per day. We trust the honesty of our Members and ask that you arrange for payment of visitor fees to be made via direct deposit  to the Club’s bank account.

BSB: 633 000  Account number: 117 934 018 and please use “Visitor fees” as the reference.